I’m sitting here having a beer thinking about this past few months and jeez, I’ve missed my clients! Clients who’ve become mates over nearly 7 years of Bangz. There are so many but here’s a few of my favourites that I’ve thought of.
Aled Butty – The bloke can just make the shop fall to their knees in laughter – a very naturally funny bloke.
Peter Maroney – The driest of sense of humours, always has me in tears. The best part is, most of the time he doesn’t realise it and thinks he’s having a serious discussion!
Jonsey Bach – One of Tumble’s finest. Even though he isn’t the tallest, he packs a punch in his banter.
Dean Davies – The gaffer. Comes in the shop like a bull in a China shop. You could be in the middle of a conversation with someone and he just takes over. Massive admiration for his desire to achieve in all of his businesses.
Mathew Peachy DMW Williams – The Monk/Greek God, always the one to bring calm and lower my anxiety with his presence.
Shane Earp – Missing his wavey locks, wide vocabulary and lovely nature.
Owen Butty – The best looking mechanic in Wales – great hair and beard.
Dafydd Evans – Actor / Singer who is surely the finest act Diablos ever seen! Always makes me run behind as he loves his barnet but it’s worth it!
Ashley Williams – One of, if not Carmarthen’s cheekiest man! Everyone learns to love him. Good job he’s a red!
Sorry if I haven’t mentioned your name, there are so many I’m truly grateful to who have continued to support Bangz over the last 7 years! As a team of staff, we’ve been having a few Zoom catch up calls recently and are all genuinely getting excited for the day we get the green light to get you all back in the Bangz chairs.