Christmas Lockdown

We have had a real shock this evening finding out we are going into lockdown as of midnight tonight.

We were relying heavily on the money made on the next few days to help us get through the next lockdown.

We understand the virus is out of control and this had to happen. We hope everyone stays safe through this challenging time.

As a lot of our customers who were booked in next week have pre paid, we were wondering if you would be happy to receive a voucher which will give you VIP priority booking for when we re-open. We totally understand if this is not feasible for some financially, but if you are happy with this, it will massively help the business out over the coming weeks/months ahead.

Please cancel your appointment if you do not wish for a voucher. This will then process a refund. However, if you are happy with your VIP priority voucher, please leave your booking on the system for the next week and I will send your voucher via post.

We hope you have a great Christmas despite all of this.

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Craig, Benji & Dan.
Bangz Barbershop

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